Top Ten Achievements That Will Get You Hired
Develop the ability to look at yourself from the employer’s point of view. Being able to hit one or more of these hot buttons will be music to their ears. Think of anything that you’ve done in your employment history that could be rephrased like any one of these:

Employer’s motivator #1 making money

  • Cleared unwanted stock by attending specialized auctions
  • Sold company’s trash to recycling company
Employer’s motivator #2 saving money

  • Outsourced maintenance saving 2 full time positions
  • Saved office space with single parents working from home
Employer’s motivator #3 saving time

  • Scheduled driver’s route for efficient delivery runs
  • Started an hour early to provide materials for morning team
Employer’s motivator #4 making work easier

  • Modified plant for occupational health and safety
  • Organized car pooling for employees in my suburb
Employer’s motivator #5 solving a specific problem

  • Partnership with Wisconsin Uni for by-products reuse
  • Performed delivery installation and training all in one call
Employer’s motivator #6 being more competitive

  • Took #1 ranking in Google search engine
  • Distributed redeemable vouchers through school contacts
Employer’s motivator #7 building company image

  • Blogging to increase traffic to company’s website
  • Sponsored new local hospital neo-natal unit
Employer’s motivator #8 getting new markets

  • Translated user’s manual in French for Canadian market
  • Repackaged factory seconds for export to China
Employer’s motivator #9 getting new clients

  • Signed up 10% extra members through affiliate program
  • Modified attachments to suit competitors’ products
Employer’s motivator #10 getting more out of existing clients

  • 15% increase in sales by implementing loyalty program
  • New memberships by talking to visitors in waiting room